
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Leather Dragonfly

Today I made these dragonflies with leather. They can be used as a fashion accessory. For example as a brooch on a jacket or as a decoration for a belt buckle. Personally I like leather material best for these dragonflies but felt could be used as well.


  • Little pieces of leather, 2 different colors (use leather for the wings that has been dyed on the back as well because this side will be visible)
  • Pin
  • Leather glue


1. Cut out the 2 pieces for the wings and the 2 pieces for the body and head

2. Put leather glue on the wrong side of the body piece, let it dry for a few minutes, and then roll it up. Repeat the steps for the head piece

3. Put leather glue on the right side of the wing piece in the center. Let it dry for a few minutes and press it together with a peg.

4. After waiting for 1/2 hour remove the peg from the wings and glue them together

5. Put some glue on the end for the head and body piece and glue it to the wings. 

6. Press a needle trough the head, wings and body to make it stay together.

7. If you want it use it as a brooch, glue a pin on the back.


  1. For a version without glue, punch 2 holes (one above the other) in the centre of each of the wing pieces. Then make the head and tail as 1 piece instead of 2. Roll the body and push through the holes in the wings and the whole structure should hold itself together.

    As an alternative to the pin, attach self adhesive magnetic strip to the back to make into a fridge magnet.


I would love to hear your feedback, comments, tips, or questions!